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In a highly competitive industry such as telecommunications, there are many factors to consider when implementing service solutions and recovery plans. Keeping connected and providing reliable services is only a portion of what makes your brand memorable. D&A Group Services knows your customers are so much more than that, they’re lifelong partners and our goal is to foster that relationship while delivering results with win-back solutions and an emphasis on the customer service experience.  


The telecommunications market is one D&A Group Services is familiar with through continual success for more than 20 years. Our strong grasp of billing structures as well as protocols, and dispute resolution specific to the industry, allow us the ability to provide a seamless customer experience. While the extensive understanding our knowledgeable staff has of the internal processes that govern telecommunications means compliance is one of our top priorities. 

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D & A Group Services – Support that Works

Our First Party Call Centre services will allow you to focus on your core business, help save you time and money and ensure that you maximize revenues at minimum risk.

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