D&A Bulletin Board
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Bulletin – Update
As everyone can appreciate, we are currently living through unprecedented times that are affecting people and businesses across the world.
As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic and with both the federal and provincial government order to invoke safety measures for the safety of all Canadians in an effort to exercise social distancing to mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus, D&A Group Services made the difficult decision on 23 March 2020 to temporarily reduce our workforce, introduce our Work From Home (WFH) strategy and close our offices to the public until further notice.
This very difficult decision was made in consideration with the advice and direction from the Federal and Provincial governments keeping in mind our commitment to the safety and welfare of our employees.
D&A Group Services is committed to regularly following updates from both the federal and provincial governments, which will provide all of us the necessary guidance on the way forward, and how we should alter our course of action should there be a need to do so. Decisions as the ones outlined above are not easy to make however are doing so as part of our responsibilities as a business, as an employer and as part of our duties to our communities.
We genuinely appreciate and value the support and understanding of each and every one of our employees, clients and community partners.
To read more about our policies and procedures updates, please follow this bulletin or please refer to the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: Support for Canadians and Businesses along with local media for most recent news and developments with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bulletin Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Mise à jour
Comme chacun peut l’apprécier, nous traversons actuellement une période sans précédent qui affecte les personnes et les entreprises à travers le monde.
À la suite de la pandémie de COVID-19 et avec l’ordre du gouvernement fédéral et du gouvernement provincial d’invoquer des mesures de sécurité pour la sécurité de tous les Canadiens dans le but d’exercer une distanciation sociale afin d’atténuer la propagation du coronavirus, les services du groupe D&A ont pris la décision difficile le 23 mars 2020 pour réduire temporairement nos effectifs, présenter notre stratégie Travail au domicile (TAD) et fermer nos bureaux au public jusqu’à nouvel ordre.
Cette décision très difficile a été prise en tenant compte des conseils et des directives des gouvernements fédéral et provincial, en gardant à l’esprit notre engagement envers la sécurité et le bien-être de nos employés.
L’agence de recouvrement D&A sont engagés à suivre régulièrement les mises à jour des gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux, qui nous fourniront à tous les conseils nécessaires sur la voie à suivre et la façon dont nous devrions modifier notre ligne de conduite en cas de besoin. Les décisions comme celles décrites ci-dessus ne sont pas faciles à prendre, mais le font dans le cadre de nos responsabilités en tant qu’entreprise, en tant qu’employeur et dans le cadre de nos devoirs envers nos communautés.
Nous apprécions et apprécions sincèrement le soutien et la compréhension de chacun de nos employés, clients et partenaires communautaires.
Pour en savoir plus sur les mises à jour de nos politiques et procédures, veuillez suivre ce bulletin ou veuillez consulter le Plan d’intervention économique du Canada pour répondre à la COVID-19 du gouvernement du Canada ainsi qu’aux médias locaux pour les dernières nouvelles et développements concernant le COVID. 19 pandémie.
To: Lenders, Financial Services Providers on Debt Collection Financing
From: D&A Group Services
Subject: Financial Services Ethics
As we prepare to reset on a new business landscape post-COVID, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind us all; our staff, valued Lenders, and Services Providers of debt collection financing on some key points relative to Financial Services Ethics that are important at D&A Group Services. In our organization’s 32 years of existence, we take pride in our relationships with our service providers, value our partnership towards success, and are committed to achieving success through strong and mutual business ethics in our conduct and for the benefit of our mutual protection.
Proper Financial Services Ethics is a key ethos that we at D&A Group Services live by. Such includes the institution and enforcement of firm policies around the treatment of financial services relative to Fraud, Anti-bribery, Kickbacks, and Corruption in our everyday business dealings between ourselves and our clients. To this end, please find enclosed D&A Group Services most current Fraud, Anti-Bribery, Kickbacks, and Corruption Policy for easy reference.
In brief: D&A Group Services does not condone the practice of taking kickbacks from any service providers or vendors relative to providing incentives to our agents. If we identify a situation where a bribe or kickback is being offered, our staff have been directed to immediately inform their manager so that we can take the necessary mitigative steps. Should a lender or financial service provider of debt collection financing be found to offer kickbacks directly to a D&A Group Service agent, supervisor, or manager this transaction may jeopardize our mutual relationship as well as the employee’s employment with D&A Group Services should such transaction be uncovered. D&A Group Services absolutely prohibits the offering, giving, solicitation, and/or the acceptance of any favorable bribe, gift, kickback, or other inducements which may be real or perceived, whether in cash or other forms.
D&A Group Services offers to and/or participates in incentive programs with the staff to reward them for exceptional performance. Any abuse of any incentive programs or any manipulation of statistical information for personal gain in an act of bribery or kickback in order to obtain a financial bonus is deemed as fraudulent activity and will not be sanctioned by D&A Group Services. We highly encourage lenders to contact D&A Group Services Vice-President or Associate Vice-President of Operations to discuss appropriate contest formats that we would deem acceptable and avoid any such scenario.
D&A Group Services will continue to monitor closely against fraud, anti-bribery, kick back and corruption in every aspect of our practices, not only for our own corporate values and integrity but to safeguard our clients brand and reputation as well.
We look forward to enhancing our valued partnership with you. Should you have any questions relative to this memorandum, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time.