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As the Canadian economy is ever-changing, D&A Group Services is here to provide guidance and take on the burden of navigating what can be uneasy waters. By monitoring the metrics that impact individual industries, our best-in-class knowledge of products and services is unparalleled.


Armed with information and analytics, we tailor our services to best suit your industry and specific business needs.


Having successfully served this market since 1988, D&A Group Services complies with FCAC, OFSSW, Anti-money Laundering (AML) and fraud protocols. Providing an efficient and effective Customer experience is of the utmost importance, which is why we have implemented our consequence counselling and reputational risk assessment tools. To further integrate with your processes and provide a consistent experience, our call center operators emulate your customer procedures seamlessly. 

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D & A Group Services – Support that Works

Our First Party Call Centre services will allow you to focus on your core business, help save you time and money and ensure that you maximize revenues at minimum risk.

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